Friday, April 12, 2013

The Art of Sleeping in Japan

The Futon

"$esus Fu#KING #HRIST!!!
"My back hurts, my arms are asleep.......this SUCKS!!"
"I gotta have sex on this thing?! Wuh!?!"
"F#CKING HELL this is uncomfortable!!"
"NOW my legs are F*CKING asleep!!! F*CK this shit!!!"
"I can't FU@KING sleep!!"
"#od Damn Kink in my neck!!!"
"Am I the only one who hates these F#CKING things?!?"
"Now, I'm supposed to roll this piece of shit up?!"
"And, put it where?!"
"And I'm supposed to hang it off the balcony?!"
"And beat it with this stupid F$CKING thing?!"
"They look so cool on TV and the internet!!!"
"Why didn't anyone warn me about these FUC&ING things!?"
 Every Non-Pod Person at One Time or Another

*For more posts similar to this one, see Life in Japan

OK, here is the problem. When you are told that you will have a futon to sleep on in Japan, you automatically think you are going to have one of these.............

NOT ONE OF THESE THIN ASS PIECES OF.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND!!!   That you need to beat with one of THESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ALL - THE - TIME!!!!

Nuff said..............

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi................
    Great post! Thanks you so much for the share. It is indeed a helpful one. I am looking forward of reading more article with the similar topic as this one. Good luck and More Power.

    Teaching English In Japan
