Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Foot Dragger

The Shufflers/Shleppers

"If I make lots of sound when I walk,
the foreigners won't talk English to me"  A Foot Dragger

*For more posts similar to this one, see The People in Japan

The moral of this story is not to ever invite a Japanese person to go hunting with you. You can literally hear them coming from a mile away.

For some reason A LOT of Japanese love to drag their feet when they walk.

The sounds of Japan.

Sit down on a bench (if you can find one) somewhere near a busy sidewalk in any city in Japan. Then, close your eyes and just listen for the sounds of grating wooden heels, shuffling rubber sneakers and sandals, clanking high heels and boot heels, and last but not least, scraping plastic.


Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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