The Series of Firsts

The Series of Firsts in Japan

"It's gonna be like going back to school." Ivan Haas

That was one of the first things that someone said to me when I finally started breaking the news that I was heading to Japan. In retrospect, I can't really sum up my first year in Japan any better. Thanks for the quote Ivan!

To make it a little easier to follow this blog, I indexed all the posts by relevance. 

The Series of Firsts chapter is dedicated to all the things that someone experiences for the first time on their way to teach English in Japan. From the first time one thinks about it to the end of the first full year living in Japan, this section encapsulates all the more memorable moments and experiences that most people have.

Just an overview of this section.

So, how do people decide that it is logical to move from wherever they are to the unknown environment of Japan.

How does Japan lure people to give English teaching a try in the house of the rising sun?

How does someone go from a little interested to full-on wanting to go to Japan.

That's it. Time to buy a plane ticket.

"Takin' Off"
The first day: Getting ready to go to Japan for the first time, a brief overview.

"The Landing"
The first day: The first steps off of the plane. What to expect in the first few hours.

Just as advertised. Love at first sight? The first time to meet the company/school reps...

"The First Time in Your Apartment"
So, how's that first apartment treating you? A bit cramped for your style? Probably yes.

"Try the 'Basashi" - The First Meal
What to eat on your the first day. The choices are endless, but what the heck is it? なんでやねん

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