The People in Japan

"The Cast and Crew"

"Hey, what the heck is that guy doing over there?"everyone

The cast and crew is everyone you will meet in Japan. I like to think of Japan as a big movie set. So, this whole section is all the pages in this blog that have anything to do with the people you will see and interact with in Japan. Enjoy.............

An Overview

The Cast and Crew
An overview of the people living and breathing in the land of honey and rice

The Extras - Fellow Foreigners

The Pod People
The legendary pod person -- Hidden in plain view

Fellow Foreigners - "The Extras"
An overview of the fellow foreigners in your midst.

Moron Bowing Guy
One of my favorites: the foreigner who bows down inappropriately. 

The Trustafarian in Japan
The trusties in Japan are super easy to spot.

Non-Acknowledgement Guy
Is he deaf? No, he appears to hear the store clerk. What's that dude's trip?!?

The Islander Fan
Yep, I'm an Islander fan.......always have been......this one just cemented it.

The Russian Hostess
Truly a separate class of foreigners in Japan who live in a world all of their own.

The Lifer
The down to earth version of the pod person

The Short Timers
These people can't handle the Japan.
The Main Cast - The Japanese

Two Equally Important Groups
Just an overview of what makes up the main cast of characters in Japan

The English Students

Non-English Students (if there is such a thing)

The Shinto Wood Banging Guy
This is the guy who walks down the street banging two blocks of wood together.

The Foot Draggers
How many people are walking behind me? Oh, it's just one small girl.

Mr. Three Fingers
Who's that guy driving the Mercedes with the 888-888 license plates?

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