A Gaijin-san's Life in Japan

Actually Living in Japan

"What the ........." every gaijin-san

Well, here's where I detail all the little things about living in Japan that people who have never lived in Nihon probably never think about. The list is exhaustive, but I'll keep going until I run out of time - whatever that means.

First things first. This is what is generally expected of you while you're teaching English in Japan.

The Senpai/Kouhai Relationship
This post describes the seniority based system in Japan - Senior/Junior

Strange Experiences - "Hello, Bye-Bye, Ha Ha Ha Ha"
Getting used to having hello and goodbye be the most hilarious thing since the chalk broke in your hand.

If You Stop Moving, You May Die
People in Japan never stop moving in public.

The Futon
"I haven't had a good night's sleep since I got here....."

Being Japanized
What it's like to have someone assume you are speaking English, when you are not.

Surprisingly Popular in Japan
Sushi, tofu, blah...blah...blah. Here are some things you might not know.

Things Japan Does Extremely Well
There are a million great things about Japan.....Here is a sample...

Things Japanese Don't Do Well
Things that make you wish you were somewhere else.

"My SHOE!! Oh no!!"

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