Thursday, April 18, 2013

Surprising Things That Japanese Like

Surprise, Surprise

"Hom'ma!!!! ほっんま?!?!"  

*For more posts similar to this one, see Life in Japan

Kushi-katsu / おなかへた!!

These are just some of the things that I find to be the most surprising things that the Japanese love. If you have anything you'd like to add, please post a comment.
  • Mayonnaise (マヨネーズ)
  • Toast for Breakfast (食パン)
  • Hard Boiled Eggs (ゆで卵・ゆでたまご)
  • Pizza (ピザ)
  • Tabasco Sauce (タバスコ)
  • Deep Fried Skewer / Kushi-katsu (串かつ)
  • Demiglace Sauce (デミグラス)
  • Hamburg Steak (ハンバーグ)    
  • Yogurt (ヨーグルト)
  • Pringles (プリングルズ)
  • KFC (ケンタッキー)
  • Tommy Lee Jones (トミー・リー・ジョーンズ)
  • Avocado (アボカド)
  • Coffee (コーヒー)
  • Melons (メロン)
  • Strawberries (イチゴ)
  • Corn Dogs (American Dogs) and Wieners (アメリカンドッグ・ウイナー)
  • Sno-cones (shaved ice/kaki-koおri) (かき氷)
  • Straight Bourbon Whiskey (バーボン)
  • Corn (コン)
  • Horumon - Organ Meat (mostly Osaka) (ホルモン)
  • Curry (カレー)
  • Nan (ナン)
  • Draft Beer (なま)
  • Sweet Potato (焼きいも・やきいも)
  • Horse Racing (競馬・けいば) 
  • Pachinko (パチンコ)
  • Marathons/ Running / Track and Field  (陸上・りくじょう)
  • Figure Skating   (スケート)
  • Swimming   (水泳・すいえい)
  • Inquiring about your penis size (これぐらい?)
Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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