Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Trusties

The Trustafarian in Japan
            "I've gotta fly home for a few days..............
              ......yeah, bought my ticket this morning" various trusties

*For more posts similar to this one, see The People in Japan

Of course, these people are everywhere. But they are highly noticeable in Japan because there are just not enough foreigners around to camouflage them.

They drift around Japan pretending to be cash strapped and hard-up for teaching gigs.......the trusties.

Trusties are everywhere around the globe be-bopping their way around the universe or roaming the earth like Kung-Fu. But the ones in Japan are a unique breed mostly because there is only one job that they can get away with faking............. Trusties pose as English teachers.

They never tell you what their schedule is. They never say exactly what school they work for. They like to have barkeep jobs at night to keep up an appearance of working hard moonlighting. 

The trusties likes to tell you about how many countries they've been to. They may even throw a North Korea in your face.

Trusties likes to fly back to the states for a week - of course buying their tickets the night before they take-off (nearly impossible for English teachers)

While the rest of us are working our ass off and having very little to show for it, Trustie likes to tell you about how they spent the weekend in some exotic place in a nice resort in a far off little town in Japan.

HEY TRUSTIE!!!! KNOCK IT OFF!!! You are not fooling anyone.

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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