Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Main Cast - Two Equally Important Groups

The Main Cast - An Overview

"The main cast of Japan is represented by two separate, yet equally important groups: The English students who live in fear of not being able to speak English, and the non-English students who live freely in obscurity. These are their stories." ripped off from Law and Order

*For more posts similar to this one, see The People in Japan

I like Law and Order

OK, let's get to the main cast of Japan. As stated in earlier posts, the main cast is 99% Japanese broken into the basic groups of students and non-students.

The English Students

In one way shape or form, it seems like just about the entire country is obsessed with learning English. However, the desire of most Japanese people to learn and speak English is greatly overestimated. I would say that after roughly age 12, English turns into exactly what any other uninteresting subject turns into -- a chore.......but that doesn't stop the machine from manufacturing demand for English conversation.

In Japan you can find someone from any point in their life studying English. I've never seen it personally, but I'm sure that their are expectant mothers out their trying to teach their babies that are still in the womb. I have, however, taught English lessons in a retirement community where one of the students had to have been in his 90's.

There are countless English nursery schools, preschools and private international schools (K-16) that focus on English immersion. After formal educational institutions, there is a massive variety of academies, tutoring schools (ju-ku), night schools, conversation schools, English cafes, etc., that are all competing for the hard earned yen of the population. For the most part (aside from the few gigantic @h01es that I've taught) all English students are eager and willing to put in tremendous effort into learning English - the studious nature of the Japanese is well documented.

Regardless, I'll be describing a number of recurring characters that can be encountered in the classroom throughout the life of this blog - from Obnoxious Bad Breath Guy, to Bored High-Booted Housewife, you'll meet them all eventually.

The Non-English Students

The non-students in Japan make up the rest of society. Most Japanese that don't study English give one of the following reasons as to why they aren't studying English: they don't have the money to afford it, they don't have time or they don't like it.

Regardless, when I describe the rest of the cast that can be encountered outside of the classrooms of Japan, I'll focus on the more memorable characters such as the Yaki-Imo Guy and the Hunchbacked Sidewalk Sweeper. For the most part, I will try to combine several characters into one to add effect. There are some very unique individuals that English teachers have to deal with in Japan. 

Enjoy the Show!!!

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