Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Time for Everything - Reeling You In

"Reelin'ya In"

"When an idea reaches critical mass there is no stopping the shift its presence will induce."
Marianne Williamson

For more posts similar to this one, see The Series of Firsts

The huge conversation schools and ALT (Assistant Language Teacher) dispatch companies are the ones that have the money and resources to heavily advertise and recruit overseas. They have the infrastructure in place to easily apply for and secure visas for their applicants. Most people get "reeled in" by one of these monster English language educational factories.

These companies conduct interviews overseas and make teaching English in Japan sound like the most rewarding and exceptional experience in the world. 

I have to hand it to the overseas recruiters. They are very professional, well spoken and extremely enthusiastic about the endeavor that they promote. If someone makes it to an interview for an English teaching 'company' in  home country,  he is about half-way to the boat. After the presentation that the recruiter deals out.....

.......there is no way at this point that anyone could turn down a job offer......... 

.................hooked, reeled in and netted. 

Time to buy a plane ticket. 

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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