Sunday, January 6, 2013

The First Meal

Try the 'Basashi'

"I don't even like Japanese food!"  too many dumb gaijin

*For more posts similar to this one, see The Series of Firsts

So many firsts - you are probably going to want a nice meal for yourself during the first night you spend in your new home. You definitely won't want to cook, and you will probably want something to eat different than sushi. What to do?!?! I dunno!?! The amount of foreigners who live in Japan who despise Japanese food is truly baffling.... "I hate fish" "I hate rice" "I hate...."

"Then what the frack did you move here for?"

Anyway......... let's go eat!!

The First Meal

Alright!!! Where to go? What to eat? It’s your first few moments in Japan. 

Ramen, Udon, Sushi, Yaki-whatever, Whatever-yaki, Donburi, Tenpura, Kushi-katsu......Whale sashimi

If you live in a large city, your choices are endless.........

Yeah it's Korean, but still funny.
You’re going to want to try anything and everything. If you have a veteran roommate handy when you’re ready for your first meal, then you’re in luck! The veteran should be able to point you somewhere that will be easy for you. If you’re by yourself or with a fellow FOB, then you can have a good time wandering around looking for some grub.

The first eating experience for a lot of FOBs ends-up being in a fast food restaurant of some kind. Aside from McDonald’s and convenience stores, nothing will look familiar. Even the convenience stores are bizarrely different. When you’re walking around looking for a place to eat, you’ll notice how small all the shops look. 

You will probably walk right by most restaurants because you'll think it's something other than a place to eat at. Also, you may feel completely intimidated by these small shops because you’ll be afraid of what the food is, how to order, what is good, what’s not, etc. Regardless of where you end up, you will see and smell massively different things on the first meal quest.

Or just have a beer meal....
My first meal was curry udon, and I had a veteran roommate with me to take me to the place and order. So I had no problem. You'll never forget the first authentic Japanese meal that you have, so live it up! Order up some sake (a-tsu-kan - for the warm stuff) or some Asahi/Kirin drafts (na-ma beer) and get loaded. Oh yeah, one last thing about the small Japanese shops...... if you don't smoke, now is a good a time as any to start - if you can't stand second hand smoke, leave Japan immediately.

Well, there is your first day in a nutshell -- if you are with a group of FOBs, than try to find a karaoke box together. It's tradition.

So where to next....... Let's go to school for awhile.....

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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