Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Day - "Takin' Off"

The First Flight to Japan

"I'm lucky, I can sleep from takeoff until we land; so I'm fresh, rested and ready to work on arrival."
Eva Herzigova
"Whatever, Eva......"

For more posts similar to this one, see The Series of Firsts

I put this post up to try to describe the first entire day someone spends getting to Japan. The next few posts describe the journey to actually living there, not visiting. The first day can be pretty intense at times if someone has no previous travel experience, and since this is a pretty major trip, more like a move, I tried to explain it as best I could so the reader may have a sense of the experience.

Ready? You may have a sense of excitement about the new chapter of your life that’s about to begin. You may experience an anxiousness or nervousness that you’ve never experienced before. Perhaps you haven’t been sleeping well. You’ve probably packed entirely too much and written out a massive list of things to do before take off. Whatever the case, you will most likely feel unprepared as you head towards the ticket gate for what, until now, will likely be one of the biggest changes of your life.

Getting through the check-in line and ticket gates will feel just like any other flight that you’ve taken until you finally board the plane and get settled in you seat. When you finally get a chance to take a breath and look around….. Yep! The flight is roughly 95% Asians. Aside from knowing that you're in the right place, if this is your first flight of this nature, this may be your first experience of being in a massive minority.

Since there will be people from all over Asia not just Japan, people will be speaking in what will seem like 1000 different languages at break neck speed. If you are by yourself, the person sitting next to you will more than likely not speak English. Get ready for what could be a long quiet flight. Or not……….

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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