Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Seniority - The Senpai and the Kouhai

Seniority in Japan
The Senpai/Kouhai Relationship (Senior/Junior)

For more posts similar to this one, see General Working ConditionsLife in Japan

One of the main differences of the Japanese system compared to the West is the very strict adherence to a seniority based system, Senpai/Kouhai (Senior/Junior). There’s no real way for foreigners to understand the Japanese Senpai/Kouhai culture unless they actually live it and see it in action. It starts from the very earliest of ages in the primary schools, continues throughout one's school career, business career and life in general. I'd swear that this system continues in the Shinto afterlife.

Essentially, the Kouhai is forever and ever Kouhai to the Senpai. In the USA, the words we use to describe a Kouhai are plebe, probie, rookie, rook, newb, greenhorn, etc. However, in Japan the relationship is never adversarial. I've never personally seen any cases of hazing or any other types of mental or physical torment (ijime) like there is in other countries, but I’m sure that some form of it exists in Japan.

In the schools, the Kouhai is essentially relegated to the most mundane and worthless duties. For example, in a sport or club (let's use basketball for this example) the kouhai stand around on the outside of the court and chase the balls when they go out of bounds. That's it. They don't usually get actually play with the upper-classmates for quite some time into the school year. Three months or so is a usual time frame. Before they get to practice with the big girls and boys, the kouhai set up all the gear and basically play the role of equipment manager/trainer/water boy while the rest of the team does drills and plays scrimmages. They are the senpai's bi@ches. I remember watching the kouhai in the ping-pong club. For what seemed like months, they all just stood around and basically played shadow ping-pong on edges of the gym ~~ without ever getting to practice on a table!!  Yep, the ping-pong club hogs up precious gym-time everyone.

In the Western business culture, we have what I would call a system loosely based on seniority. However, seniority seems to be more of a tiebreaker for internal advancement and promotion in the West. For example, if two or more people are closely qualified for the same position, than the senior employee will usually get the job. In Japan, there seems to be a much larger and disproportionate amount of importance placed on seniority. In other words, seniority will override a much larger discrepancy in skills, qualifications  and overall competence.

Except for being able to witness the origins of the senpai/kouhai culture in Japanese life, this has no real impact to any foreigner in Japan. The Japanese know that foreigners don't understand customs and traditions such as the Senpai/Kouhai relationship. It’s just one of the more interesting aspects that's good to keep in mind whilst milling around the archipelago nation.

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!

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