Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Hello, Bye-Bye...Ha Ha Ha Ha"

A Most Curious Recurring Event
("Hello.....Bye-bye...Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha")

"What the hell was that all about?"  1st timer

           *For more posts similar to this one, see Life in Japan

Here is where I tell you about one of the strangest things you will need to get used to if you spend any length of time in Japan. The odd encounter with a group of women (basically girls of any age - sorry ladies) who for some reason feel the need to say 'hello' and 'bye-bye' in the same sentence and find it the most hilarious thing that has ever been uttered.

I wish I had a video camera rolling when this happened oh so many times. There are still times in Japan where people will stare at you just because you're a foreigner, so every once in awhile you'll feel the need to just say hello to them!!! And sometimes when you do, you get the following abbreviated conversation:

1)     YOU is walking towards the beer vendor at a soccer game in the concourse of a large stadium. A GROUP OF YOUNG LADIES is approaching YOU on the right hand side. The GROUP OF YOUNG LADIES is enjoying themselves and appears to be looking at YOU as though they have something to say. When GROUP OF YOUNG LADIES get about even with YOU............


               (pronounced 'Hollow' with a hard accent on the first syllable and drawn out second syllable)

GROUP OF YOUNG LADIES, while quietly whispering and giggling, slowly passes by YOU. YOU and GROUP OF YOUNG LADIES maintain eye contact while passing.

(while waving hand shortly and quickly with palm outward)

GROUP OF YOUNG LADIES laugh as though it is the funniest conversation, EVER. YOU continues towards the beer vendor with comical and quizzical expression.

                                                      (muttering under breath)
                                                         "What the hell was that all about?"

That's it. Just change the location and you have a recurring scene out of Life in Japan.

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!


  1. I had a group of schoolgirls do this the other day. I immediately thought of this post and started laughing.


    1. Ha! As sure as the only person currently accepting tips in Japan is a cab driver, I had this happen at least once every time I went to a Cerezo Osaka soccer game at Nagai or Kincho stadium. Funny stuff, やろう?
