Friday, May 8, 2015

The Short-timers

The Short Timers

"I can't take it! Make it stop! I wanna go home!"  Short Timers

*For more posts similar to this one, see The People in Japan

Some people just aren't meant to spend any meaningful time in Japan. They wander the schools and streets in a fog, counting the days until their flight back home. For lack of a better term, I just called them Short Timers.

These are the people who start getting ready to leave Japan by the time they make it up to the immigration counter.

They can be seen calling everything about Japan stupid, dumb, weird, f'd up, ridiculous, crazy.... or some other slag.

They look at anyone who has spent more than a year in Japan with a look of incredulity.

Short Timers are like ghosts in a sense. They exist in Japan, but they don't actually live there. You might not even notice when a Short Timer heads back overseas...the fastest I ever saw someone freak out and split the country was about 6 weeks.

Do you have a question about Japan or a topic that you are interested in that you haven't found on this blog? If so, please tell me about it in a comment. I will get a post up about it as soon as possible. Thanks for reading!!